
When travelling abroad it is essential to protect yourself from the sorts of diseases you may encounter whilst away. Vaccinations against infectious disease are a major part of this protection and we encourage you to book to see our specialist nurses in our travel clinic to discuss your travel plans and what immunisations you will need. Many need to be given weeks or even months before you depart, so don’t leave it too late.

We offer a full range of vaccinations and are a registered Yellow Fever centre. A charge will be made for certain vaccinations which are not covered by the NHS. A list of these charges is available at reception.

There is further information about countries and vaccinations required on the links below:


Travel Health Questionnaire

To help us offer the appropriate advice, please fill out the online form before coming to see the nurse.

Travelling in Europe

If you are travelling to Europe the EU has published useful information for travellers on the European website.